Thursday, March 24, 2011


Not once, not twice and He keeps on doing it.

This year as I engaged on the quest of living independent of my parent, I learnt a new side of God that I haven’t really encountered before.

Every young person like me strives for independence by not living with his/her parent(s) and simbling(s) but staying alone and/or in school, will gladly agree with me that a time will come when the funds are low and the bills are high, when night comes and there’s no view of food, when you seem to call everyone and no one answers, when “the boys are not smiling”. At times such as these, I have seen God revealing Himself by sending in help ay the 11th hour, a ray of light at the end of the tunnel, just to provide that meal, just to provide the help needed to complete that project, just to remind me that He is God, the Alpha & Omega, The I Am.
It amazes me and always gladdens my heart whenever He shows up that way and I have come to understand why.

He does it to help us trust, believe and have faith in Him completely and “not leaning on our own understanding” (Prov. 3:5). He does it so as to remind us that He “knows what we need before we ask Him” (Matt. 6:8) and as such we “shouldn’t worry over what to eat, drink or wear” (Matt. 6:31).

Not once, not twice, has He done it and He will still do it. All we need do is to “cast all our cares on Him for He cares”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The words ‘praise’ and ‘worship’ are two words sometimes used interchangeably and I want to share my insight on worship.

By my own understanding, worship is the act of recognizing God, not for what He has done or for what you are hoping Him to do but for whom He is. It is acknowledging God irrespective of the circumstances (good and bad), problems, battles and challenges. It is a way of reminding Him of who He is. ( am sure this would agreed by many, if not, feel free to pass your comment).
So then, how do we/can we worship God?

It is simply by calling Him His names, acknowledging Him as God and letting Him know how great He is (even though we can never fully determine His greatness).

These are some of His names. . .

Alpha & Omega Most High Restorer
Father Lilies of the valley Sheppard
Friend The Way The Soon Coming King
I Am The Truth Holy Lamb
Almighty God The Life Life Giver
Saviour Healer Hope Giver
Deliverer Shelter Joy Giver
Shield Provider Elohim
Glory Pillar Root of Jesse
Stronghold Ancient of Days

And the list goes on and on . . .

Saturday, August 7, 2010


You can call it dating, boyfriend-girlfriend relationship or you can even say being in love with the opposite sex – it all represents the term RELATIONSHIP.

If our Christian adults, aunts, uncles and parents are practicing it, why then do they warn us (teens) against it? Why do they organize seminars just to tell us to avoid it? Why do churches and institutions pay huge amount of money to motivational speakers just to inform and remind us that we teens – their ‘leaders of tomorrow’ – should, and in some cases, must avoid it?

Well, with the help from God, and a true/real experience of the subject matter, I have arrived to the answer to the above questions. Adults go through all the stress to tell us to avoid indulging in them, not because it is necessarily wrong, but because RELATIONSHIPS ARE EXPENSIVE! By expensive, I mean – IT COSTS! It costs time, money (especially for the males), concentration and it brings about alot of risks that wouldn’t be there if you weren’t involved.

What sought of risk do I mean? I mean the risk of a heart break, the risk of falling into temptation of your flesh such as sex, the risk of losing concentration at delicate moments especially in school and during exams and ultimately the risk of missing Heaven due to immoral acts and thoughts.

Most of our adults who were involved in such relationships at their teenage years ended up having babies before marriage, dishonoring the bodies as God’s Holy Temple, some contracted S.T.Ds (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), lost their creative thinking ability and some even ended up losing their lives in the process.

So then, what should that teen boy or girl do when he or she ‘feels something like he or she has never felt before’ to that she or he? I would say the same as our adults would say, ABSTAIN! Avoid the relationship. If the feeling is growing stronger, decide to be best of friends BUT don’t let it go beyond that.

We (most) teens are not emotionally, psychologically and spiritually mature to handle the happenings during such relationships. Boyfriend – Girlfriend relationships is a very heavy burden that can destabilize your entire mental body. So its best advised to wait still you get into your adult age where you are ready for things such as marriage and then you will be fully appreciative to your parents, aunts, uncles, teachers, mentors and public speakers.

By the way, what brought about my ‘little true/real experience’?

Friday, June 25, 2010


April 27th 2010 marked the end of my teenage years. It was a moment where I needed to have a clear view of my direction in life, not necessarily the entire package but at least where I’ll place my feet next.

At 20, am still living in my birth home, my mum as passed away, I’ve had a painful dental surgery and I have gotten to know God. At 20, am in college studying my desired course, am in a relationship with my dream girl and am an entrepreneur with possession of the skills I longed for.

Twenty years down the line, I have learnt to love, to make do with what I have, to be always thankful and hopeful regardless of what life brings my way.

I have learnt to love myself as a person with all my physical and non physical attributes. I have accepted who I am simply because of the fact that God made me in His own image and if He wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

The things I have been through- the good, bad and ugly- have all together molded me to be this wonderful and blessed creature. Some people may wish and event never occurred in their life such as the loss of a family member or the loss of money in business but am that wishful. Am not wishful not because I enjoy all the happenings of my first 20 years (heavens knows am not), but because “all things work together for my own good…” I have realized that I serve a God who doesn’t do mistakes and who looks after the good of His children (like me!).

One of the greatest truths I have learnt so far is being happy and thankful in all situations, knowing that there is hope for a brighter tomorrow.

So, money or no money, food or no food, cloths or no cloths, I will not loose my joy, faith and hope because each day is the day that the Lord has made and I shall rejoice and be glad on it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Age 19+, in tertiary institution with the dream of becoming the best-champion- in my department at school but I am griped with fear when I realize I will have to work, pray, my daily schedule and still do more work.

Yes! I want to be the champion in my department, but so does my fellow classmates. We read the same material and sometimes study together, we spend countless hours at our ‘usual’ place to study & sometimes burn candles, we plan and prepare strategies according to our strengths and weaknesses just to be at the peak but the big question now is:


The simple answer to the 20 words question lies in a 5 words sentence:


The answer could also be rephrased as “Doing what others don’t do” but in both ways, it involves you standing out.

Standing out in studying? Yes, that is good. But what is more essential is standing out in your fellowship with The Alpha & Omega, The Prince of Peace, The Rose of Sharon, The Way, The Almighty – Our God. That is what makes all the difference.

Even among the faithful followers of Christ, there are those in levels higher than the other. And what way can you bring down that extra level of wisdom that will make you stand out?


Praising God just makes His head ‘swell’ and when that happens, blessings, grace, favor will come flowing into your life from all directions (including the knowledge your colleagues can’t find in the textbook).

Yeah. That’s it!

Believe in the best, Set a goal, Work & plan your best towards the goal, Work & plan extra, Pray to God, Praise Him, Praise Him in advance, Don’t stop praising, Believe & have genuine faith, then…


Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It's December 2009 and i woke up this morning with a heart of thanks giving to Him who has seen me through the year. As i reflect back through the past months with all that took place in my life and the lives of those around me, i get to see how faithful good has been and is still is. So to every one that doesn't seem to have anything tangible to thank God for, take time and count the number of times you slept and woke, the number of times you crossed the road and didn't get hit, the number of times you could eat by yourself and even for being able to read this. God is great and worthy to be praised so have a blessed Christmas filled with praises and thanks to God. God Bless!!!